Effective Microorganisms are used in agriculture and many different growing environments depending on the needs of the end users. The original EM’s were developed by Professor Teruo Higa, and are known the world over as EM1. One Organic being a certified organic seedling nursery started to research the power of EM’s and decided to develop their own beneficial bacteria to use in the nursery and in farming. This development started in 2009 and still continues to this day with thousands of clients throughout Australia and other parts of the world using these powerful organisms.
The motivation for One Organic to producte its own effective microorganisms em was driven by a need to be in control of the process. The company originally bought EM’s from other companies to trial them and whilst the results were excellent it was costly and being an innovative company, they felt the need to produce their own in order to better meet the needs of their clients.
You see One Organic has thousands of clients mostly home gardeners that need help to insure their gardens are productive. In the early days One Organic used to direct their clients to buy organic compost and effective micro-organisms from other companies but the feedback that they received was that the products were too expensive and complicated to produce and also required time to prepare.
Their clients had busy lives running businesses and their family lives and often they would become distracted half way through the process and the effective microorganisms would spoil which would result in a loss of time and money. Additionally, sometimes their organisms would not keep and create more negative outcomes than positive ones.
Another motivation for producing its own microorganisms was so that they could be used in livestock management and in the production of organic compost which could be purchased by their clients and used around the farm.
So, One Organic set about creating beneficial bacteria’s that were powerful and ready to use but it was most important to ensure that the end product was stable effective and ready to use plus had a long shelf life, so it was necessary to do many controlled trials of the bacteria’s both in the nursery and on the farm to gauge the outcomes. This was not an easy task as there were many variables such as soil conditions which vary from one part of Australia to the next and if they were to be sold on an international level there would be further challenges.
To be cont.
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